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    A Sacrifice Acceptable, Well-pleasing to God
    Bill Mellen
    A scriptural study, refuting the teaching of compulsory tithing in today�s church.

    Price:  $3.99

    book excerpt

    Christ assured, �I came that they [believers] may have life, and have it abundantly.� (John 10:10) Abundance can only be experienced by born-again believers who �walk in newness of life� (Rom 6:4). As the Apostle Paul taught in Romans 7:6: �But now we have been released from the Law, having died to that by which we were bound, so that we serve in the newness of the Spirit and not in oldness of the letter.� (emphasis mine) Moreover, the writer of Hebrews revealed that, �Jesus has become the guarantee of a better covenant� (Heb 7:22) and this better covenant in Christ �has made the first obsolete� (Heb 8:13). Despite such clear, Scriptural teachings to the contrary, many children of God are led back into bondage by a burden to fulfill the requirements of the Law. Christ proclaimed, �I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.� (John 14:6) Yet, many, in effect, teach that Jesus merely provided a better way, a new truth and a different life wherein we come to the Father by adherence to points of the Law that somehow slipped through the cracks of the Lamb�s fulfillment. In the church today, nowhere is this exhibited more than in the area of offerings and tithes. So then, let us examine the Scriptures and see that the Savior has indeed fulfilled the �requirement of the Law� (Rom 8:4), including offerings and tithes.
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