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    Two Faces of Paul
    Gary Mitchem
    Two Faces of Paul explains how scripture can be misunderstood by an incorrect application of Biblical idioms, specifically "in the flesh" and "in the spirit".

    Price:  $3.95

    book excerpt

    Within the Epistle of Paul to the Roman Church lies an enigma. The apostle seemed to be confused about the issue of sin and the born-again believer. Chapter six admonished Christians to "not let sin reign in your mortal body, that you should obey its lusts." However in chapter seven, it appears that Paul battled a hidden nature that kept him in bondage to sin's fetters. Was Paul struggling with two natures? Did he possess a dual personality: one flesh and the other spirit? Or perhaps the confusion lies within the modern day teacher's inability to correctly interpret Bible idioms used by Jewish society of the first century A.D. Cultural vernacular can distort a writer's intent if improperly applied to their work. The Bible is littered with idioms and other colloquial expressions. Some are easy to spot and interpret, such as "gird up the loins of your mind". Others may present problems for the reader, as their literal meanings may sound logical. Two such expressions are "in the flesh" and "in the spirit". Within this book we will examine those forms of speech, how they were used in the scriptures, and what they really mean.
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