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    Lyrical Resonance
    Miriam Fredericks
    This ebook is the acknowledgement of the vibrations sent by God as He communicates with us. It notes the sounds that also emanate from a heart that is tuned in to God's heart.
    May you learn to listen and obey God's commands.

    Price:  $4.00

    book excerpt

    Let Peace Reign Light of night shone brightly from the sky up above illuminating life's story of God's Majesty and love. His Son Jesus' humble entrance brought tranquility to the fore His lowly manger's ambiance no reflection of His lure. Abundant peace that He brought provides cure for evil thoughts Jesus' example of good deeds can help satisfy our needs. Now, empty cliches or instructions cannot quell the huge degradation that destroys every single nation so listen carefully congregation. For peace and silence a price He paid on the cross His life He freely gave on Golgotha's cruel tree Jesus died for you and me. No violence of mind or soul ensconced in His humanity constructed our access to divinity to maintain and promote our sanity. Only God can silence violence from the inside out we are all responsible for this peaceful drought so in this season of goodwill let us make a start to live in love and unity from within our heart. Let peace reign in every soul spread to home, friends and abode along each street and community in village, town and entire country. Turn to God and seek His face feel the warmth of His embrace He alone can bring great silence so we can stop the noise and violence; as we INCREASE THE PEACE.
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