INVISIBLE FORCES james rondinone
Do you believe the Devil is just a made-up character?
If so, we might be missing the real ways he tries to trip us up in our walk with God. BUT...if you've ever wondered if he's actually real, this book is for YOU!
Discover who he was *before* the rebellion, what he looks like (physical characte
Price: $2.99
book excerpt
What inspired me to write on this topic was a message from one of my fellow believers entitled “The Devil Is After You.” I wondered how many listeners truly believed that there was a Devil. And are they aware of his schemes?
When I was growing up, I was an avid comic book collector. At about the age of eight, I was initially introduced by my mother to the hobby of stamp collecting. This led to collecting baseball cards, old newspapers, and comic books. Once every couple of weeks, she’d take me to a popular store that carried newspapers, magazines, and comic books.
She’d allow me to select four or five comic books whenever I went in. Usually, I’d only buy the #1 editions of Superman, Batman, the X-Men, the Fantastic Four, and Spiderman. I loved these comic books. I got to know the main character’s personalities pretty well regarding their fight against evil.
Superman’s archenemy during this time was named Bizarro. Batman had quite a few enemies, some of whom were Cat Woman, the Riddler, the Joker, and the Penguin. The X-Men’s main enemy was Magneto. The Fantastic Four fought against Dr. Doom and the Sub-Mariner. Last but not least, Spiderman had encounters with Doctor Octopus, Mysterio, and the Green Goblin. Even though the good superheroes weren’t real, I wished I could be like them.
As far as I know, there weren’t any comic books advertised for sale about the Devil because he was regarded as a supervillain. However, he’s the epitome of evil, yet how many of us know anything about him? If you were to ask most people what they think about him, they’d probably say that he doesn’t exist; he isn’t real.
This series will help you get a clearer picture of who the Devil is. We’ll learn when he was originally created. What was his divine purpose? What are his plans for humanity? How can we recognize him when he attempts to make an evil impact in our lives? And how can we resist him?
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