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    12 Titanic Lessons for Christians
    charles hagan
    12 Titanic Lessons for Christians is a rather clever guide in which the author uses historic facts concerning the sinking of the Titanic as parallels to biblical exhortations pertinent to 20th Century Christians.
    The book is entertaining, accurate, educational and extremely uses for all Christians

    Price:  $4.95

    book excerpt

    April 14-15, 1912 marked the 100th Anniversary of the Titanic disaster, TITANIC! What a name! TITANIC! What a ship! What a tragic and unnecessary loss of life! And although it has been over a century since the ill-fated luxury liner sank in the icy waters off the Atlantic, carrying with it 1,517 people to their watery grave, there continues to be an undying fascination with everything even remotely connected to the tragedy. No other ship has captured the world's attention quite like the Titanic and not without reason. History testifies that our natural reaction of relying on human intelligence and developing strong physical barriers against disasters does not work. Just as a strong-built ship of the size of a Titanic could not guarantee safety to the passengers onboard, and the concrete cement walls could offer no protection against a powerful tsunami to tens of thousands of innocents who got drowned in Japan, human beings physical protective measures are puny before powerful forces of nature. They are bound to crumble and fail. In Japan, little kids undergo mandatory drills for earthquake preparedness. It’s part of their upbringing. They are also the most tech-savvy people in the world. They build structures fortified to withstand all magnitudes of disaster. Tokyo’s Tsunami Warning Center measures very sensitive seismic earthquake waves and little children are instructed to carry fireproof hoods in their schoolbags for use during an emergency – but even they were caught unaware. All these disasters are foretold in the Bible: “The beginning of sorrows” (Matt. 24:8). Non-believers might think that these prophesied tragedies reveal the cruel and non-merciful side of nature. Yet, we Christians know that God is like a loving parent who wants to raise His children—those He created—correctly and in a disciplined, firm manner. God’s children must follow His lessons hidden in these events; they are meant to be noticed. This does not imply that we have to live in constant fear. On the contrary, we need to feel his love shielding us all the time like a protective shroud. Only by trusting and obeying Him can we remain fully prepared in life for what is coming—and feel protected. This is the message of this book!
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