Life of Jesus: The Four in One Gospel of Jesus Nikola Dimitrov
Have you ever wondered about the chronological order of events in the life of our Lord Jesus while He was on earth? Or have you heard the secular accusations that the 4 gospels in the Bible contradict each other?
Well, this book has the Four Gospels contextually interlaced in chronological order.
"Every so often, it does Christians good to stand back from the four Gospels and get a sense of how the whole story might work as a continuous narrative. Nikola Dimitrov has done a remarkable service in producing this compilation of all four Gospels so that the reader can feel the full impact of the unique and explosive story they tell."
N. T. Wright – March 14, 2017
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The Gospel of Matthew says that Jesus touched the hand of Simon Peter’s mother-in-law, and the fever left her (8:15). In Mark’s Gospel, it is written that Jesus took Simon Peter’s mother-in-law by the hand, and lifted her up; and immediately the fever left her (1:31). Luke says that Jesus stood over her, and rebuked the fever; and it left her (4:39). See how the fact that the fever left Peter’s mother-in-law is the same, while each Gospel writer adds a new element to the “process†of her healing and thus, to the whole picture? In this Four in One Gospel of Jesus, this passage would look something like this: “Jesus came, stood over her, rebuked the fever, took her by the hand, and lifted her up; and immediately the fever left er†(paraphrased). So, we get the complete picture by adding and mixing all the words and details that are unique in each of the Four Gospels, thus providing the full story without missing a word from the gospels. When the chronology is applied to the whole story of the life of Jesus, The Four in One Gospel of JESUS emerges.
Why buy the book?
1. A chronological exposition, which will give You a clear perspective of the whole Earthy life of our Lord Jesus Christ.
2. A contextual blending A contextual blending of the four Gospels, without leaving one Scripture out, which will save You a considerable amount of time when studying the life of Jesus.
3. A convenient and practical tool, which You can carry with Yourself and have a fully indexed life of Jesus at Your disposal, with a detailed Table of Contents, charts, tables and appendix reference sections.
4. A beautiful cover art, drawn by a professional artist, which will adorn Your bookshelf.
5. A state of the art project, which will make You a proud, prestigious and satisfied owner.
6. A very good price for a 366 page practical study book: only $11.69 for a paperback copy and $7.50 for an eBook, which will allow You to save money and own a unique material.
7. As of the end of 2014, more than 250 000 unique visitors have visited a total of more than 1 million pages of the Life of Jesus web site. From these, around 80 000 unique visitors have visited the pages connected with the Four in One Gospel of Jesus. This has led to a good amount of satisfied online customers and buyers of the book.
For a complete information on the book, including several chapters Preview, please visit:
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