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    SUNRAYS AND LILY SMILES (Sweet Memories of Poetry Cottage)
    Liana Wendy Howarth
    In Sunrays and Lily Smiles, Liana Wendy Howarth has added to and included previous writings from her e-book, Fragrance from the Spring, a sweet collection of poetry for all ages.

    There's something for everyone inside her Poetry Cottage ... Poetry, song lyrics and encouragement. May you be blessed.

    Price:  $7.99

    book excerpt

    Available in hardcover, softcover and e-book. FOR A DEAR ONE HURTING There is someone who loves you Yes, someone whom I know Who loves and protects you Wherever you may go Because somebody is praying Who loves you so dearly Please trust even though Each day your heart is teary Life is like a precious flower Where joy is hidden when it’s dark For deep within the petals Beauty lies dormant when it’s dark Oh! Allow the warming of the Son To open up your heart And like that flower closed so tightly Unfold so beautifully, each part For when the warmth of the Saviour Enters very deep within, be healed Revealed is softness, pureness, completeness And the outside forms the shield Yes, the blemishes of life Still exist to our unopened eye But when opened to the glorious Light Are hidden from on high Because our Saviour All He sees, from heavenly places above Is perfection and unparalleled beauty In the heart filled with Jesus’ love So take your thoughts, your tears, your plans From off what is happening to you And trust the Lord who knows all To reveal what He has planned for you LITTLE BILLY BEETLE AND THE LOST SPOTS Little Billy Beetle Called all his friends to play Please help me find my spots They can’t be far They’re hidden in yonder hay He’d lost them Whilst helping Farmer Bobby Brown Bring all the horses in For it was raining heavily And they all needed a warm, dry gown In came the last Prancing wildly and tossed Little Billy Beetle high For he’d been riding on its mane And now his spots were lost They had disappeared Landing in amongst the bales And then the horses Started chewing And suddenly they all heard wails Wails of laughter, wails of tears And Billy looked confused For the horses, they had sneezed The spots had blown out And onto the beetle they were once again fused! THE STORY OF LOVE Love unlocked pretends to smile And all the world, it passes by People never see the pain Etched deep within each silent sigh Chorus The story of love ’Tis Love loving me ’Tis something forever ’Cause love cradles me Oh! His love cradles me When love, it rises and breaks free Captures the moments of past history It shares joyful pain and misery And draws Him closer, closer to me Chorus The story of love ’Tis Love loving me ’Tis something forever ’Cause love cradles me Oh! His love cradles me That’s when shadows of the rainbow hide A heart intent on keeping love inside But love breaks free, into arms open wide And shines eternal glory on a heavenly Bride Chorus The story of love ’Tis Love loving me ’Tis something forever ’Cause love cradles me Oh! His love cradles me
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