Kingdom Horizon Ashley Nicole
Set in medieval times when Germanic tribes clashed with Rome, a chieftain who becomes a believer and his daughter, Charlana, who becomes a warrior priestess, are set against each other. But nothing is hopeless with a God who can change the human heart.
Charlana, a strong-willed Germanic princess, yearns for her father’s approval. But she cannot be the daughter that he wants her to be– learned and cultured in the progressive ways of the Romans.
In spite of her struggle to belong, Charlana follows her own path and becomes skilled in weaponry and horsemanship, two gifts that will lead her to a love that she is not ready for, and a destiny that will consume her.
Her father and tribal chief, Aric, has his own struggles. To advance his tribe through literacy, he enlists a former Roman Centurion to teach the children how to read and write. But the Roman has a daughter, a beautiful dark-haired woman who greatly intrigues Aric. In his desperation, he betrays both of them in an act that compels him toward salvation and a profound personal change that will affect not only his estranged daughter, Charlana, but also his entire tribe.
Set in 180 A.D., it is a time of change. Germanic tribes are starting to vie for Roman land and power. Goths are marauding. The Christian faith, though more ancient than the oldest people, has seen its culmination in a Jewish man named Jesus, and the good news of a Savior is spreading to many lands, causing the greatest change of all – that which is in the human heart.
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