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    Changed by a Catch
    Amy Crowe
    What happens to an ordinary day when a young boy decides to do things his own way?

    White dogs turn red, carpet is ruined, a briefcase is never going to be the same, and an eye looks like it ran into a big ink pad.

    JJ is a young boy who faces some tough decisions.

    Price:  $5.99

    book excerpt

    What do you do if a stranger comes to your door? Do you obey your parents when they ask you to do something that doesn't seem important? Is it OK to give out information that could allow someone to get into your home? Do you have certain opinions about people because they may not be like you? JJ's parents have rules to teach him safety and help him avoid getting hurt, but he chooses to disobey. JJ learns a valuable lesson the hard way and realizes in the end never to underestimate anyone. Amy B. Crowe has enjoyed writing since she was a child. She won her first writing contest when she was ten and has since been published in newspapers and alumni magazines. She is very active in the lives of her three young children, who are also the inspiration for her stories. Writing is a way for Amy to use her imagination in a positive way to influence children and parents in their faith. Her characters speak directly to the reader and get the message across in an entertaining way. Kids can relate to her characters and see how the choices they make affect their lives. Amy wants her books to make reading fun for children so they are captivated and interested while learning a valuable lesson at the same time.
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