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    Does Tithing Insult God
    Monica Bennett-Ryan
    When Miriam left an Eastern Cult to serve Christ she didn’t expect to be deceived. The shattering effect of learning that she had been taught a lie after placing her trust in Christ almost shipwrecked her faith. She cried out to the Lord for the truth and the answers she received restored her joy.

    Price:  $4.95

    book excerpt

    In this small booklet I hope to address the huge and confusing issue of tithing in the simplest possible way. Tithing can be controversial and confronting, almost a forbidden topic in some places, and so, without discussion, the purpose of tithing can remain hidden. It is generally (wrongfully) regarded as the giving of money and those who question it are often dismissed as being greedy or tight, yet this is totally beside the point. Tithing is not about money! When I searched the Scriptures I found some very good reasons to question the practice of tithing and none of them had anything to do with money. I asked: Was tithing practiced by Christ and his disciples? Was it part of the role of the early church? What was the original purpose of tithing? Did Christ replace tithing with something else? It took me a while to search the Scriptures and receive all the answers to the above plus more, and when they came they were a delight, they were never what I expected...
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