When God Says Drop It: Chronicles of my Healing Donna Martelli
Strange and seemingly unrelated symptoms continued to plague me. My PCP told me that there was nothing more that she could do. She refused to see me anymore for these same symptoms, although nothing that she had come up with had helped in any way. Her final conclusion was that it must be stress!
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book excerpt
I was experiencing dizziness, allergy symptoms, itching all over, tunnel vision, rapid heart rate and low blood pressure, not to mention debilitating fatigue, body aches, and fever. My hair was falling out and all of my fingernails broke off and stopped growing. Every test came back spot on normal! I saw an optometrist, an endocrinologist, a balance MD, a cardiologist, an Ear, Nose, and Throat Doctor. Each took me through a plethora of tests and exercises, all yielding the same results. An MRI and a CAT scan revealed nothing abnormal. It would appear that I was the most normal person on planet earth! The doctors were baffled as they searched for some label to attach to the strange things that were happening to me.
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