Why Do I Have Asperger's? Julie Berry
A Mother's Memoir of Love, Hope, and Perseverance.
Price: $6.99
from Amazon.com!
book excerpt
God never promised anyone an easy life, but He did promise over and over again in His Word that He would be our strength and refuge through every phase. How do we handle adversity, confusion, and even anger when we’re walking through a difficult time? Why Do I Have Asperger’s: A Mother’s Memoir of Love, Hope, and Perseverance shares the journey of a family as they trusted God in the midst of what seemed an insurmountable diagnosis.
As you read their story, you’ll discover:
* Christians aren’t perfect but are loved by a God who is
* Parents aren’t perfect, so it’s okay to ask for help
* Consistency, hard work, and faith provide miraculous results
* Failure often provides the greatest catalyst for success
* God provides every single thing we need in life
This book will hold nothing back. While sharing every doubt, fear, misstep, and amazing triumph, the reader will experience the heartbreak and joy of a mother’s struggle to help her son.
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