A Tale of Two Sisters: Reluctant Caregivers Linda Lawrence
This memoir is transparently told by two sisters caring for family members with Alzheimer’s. Their tales are intertwined, yet each stands alone, as they tell how God cared for them as they cared for their loved ones. It’s an inspirational story of how God brought blessings out of Alzheimer’s.
Price: $2.99
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book excerpt
The role of caregivers was thrust upon them, without invitation or consent, and they found themselves on the road to the worst of times, and miraculously, the best of times.
This is the tale of two sisters being held captive by their loved ones. Linda felt captive to her mother’s continual presence in her home and being tethered to her husband’s fears. Bonnie felt imprisoned by her husband’s mind that could no longer reason, leaving old and new hurts unresolved.
Each sister knew caregiving was not something she could do well in her own strength. Both doubted they could do it well even in God’s strength. But to their relief and frequent amazement, the sisters experienced God’s power and wisdom being revealed and even magnified in their weakness.
Linda’s caregiving challenges came to an end just as Bonnie’s came to light, yet they’ve chosen to weave their vignettes and thoughts back and forth. One voice may speak to you more than the other. Feel free to skip ahead and follow one of them at a time. Their circumstances were different, but both experienced their caregiving journey drawing them closer to the Lord’s heart—even though they were reluctant caregivers.
Linda’s story unfolds gradually as God shows her, through significant flashbacks, how He had already prepared her for her assignment. Bonnie’s story is straight-forward, with practical, creative caregiving insights gained through God’s very present on-the-job training.
This tale is offered to other reluctant caregivers to encourage them in the hope that the seemingly worst of times may also include the very best of times.
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