He Sent His Son Jim Zeigler
Christmas has always been a favorite holiday for Christians worldwide. It is a magical time for gift-giving and family get-togethers. In the biblical story, the people in-volved are fascinating and appear to be the only ones looking for the promised Messiah. However, over the centuries since Jesus w
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I hope here to reintroduce the reader to the real personalities that witness Jesus first coming. These are the ones included by Matthew and Luke in the Gospel accounts of Jesus’ birth. People like:
Gabriel-The Angel sent from God to announce the coming of Messiah
Mary-The young mother of Jesus
Joseph-The step-father who raised
The Innkeeper-Unknown by name and oft-maligned
The Shepherds-Those who were looking for His coming
Isaiah-The prophet who told Isra-el how to recognize the good King
The Wise Men-Who followed the star to find the King
Herod-The evil false King of Ju-dah
Simeon-Who waited for the Consolation of Israel
Anna-The old prophetess who served in the Temple
Their stories tell us much about the political and religious times into which Jesus was born. We can learn from them that we are to live our lives, believing God will always accomplish His will. We need to live expecting His appearance anytime, and “when you think not.â€
These are their stories.
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