God's WORD Sets You Free with Study Guide Vicky Jeter
To Inspire each to read and study Scripture. This is the only way to have a personal relationship with God Himself. No church, no organization, and no relationship (marriage, friend, or companion) can do this for you. God sees the heart and only God can personally know you.
Price: $9.99
from Amazon.com!
book excerpt
Could it be that simple? And God said, "YES it's just that simple."
After a lifetime of organized, dogmatic, legalistic religion; leaving it was just the beginning of my search for God, for my purpose in life, and for the real TRUTH of God. We learn many things that are not necessarily what God writes in His Word but often more about the rules of religion.
I tried finding a new church, reading God's Word to find comfort, and wanting desperately to know God better. I read self-help, Christian books, and began my desperate search. But my search ended with discouragement, loneliness, and frustration.
Then God said to me, "Just Read My Word and nothing else." And so, I did. In 9 months, I was finished and to my surprise, something was drastically different in me. But change started soon after I began. After one time through, reading God's Word like a book; I was different, very different from anything I had ever experienced. I realized that God was a wonderful Father and He is not a dictator giving only rules to follow. The mood of my heart was changed by simply reading and letting Holy Spirit teach me.
My emotional fear and anxiety were gone and in place of this was joy, faith, hope, love, and excitement!
God's Word Is alive and well and can change anyone who is willing to study it. God only needs our willingness; to trust and have faith in Him; to accomplish great blessed things in our lives. But many of us are not sure how it all works. We each chart our own destiny by our conformity or nonconformity to the gospel.
The strength you have will be determined by how much you give God first place in reading; one-on-one His Holy Word. Read it slowly, frequently, prayerfully, meditatively, searchingly, devotionally, study it constantly, and perseveringly.
The Bible is a mine of wealth, the source of health, and a world of pleasure in following God. The Bible contains light to direct you, food to support you, and comfort to cheer you. It is the traveler's map, the pilgrim's staff, the pilot's compass, and the soldier's sword.
God's Word is not an amulet, a charm, or a book that will work wonders by its very presence. It is a book that will work wonders in every life if acted upon and obeyed in faith and sincerity. It is God's inspired revelation of the origin and destiny of all things, written in the simplest human language possible so that the most unlearned can understand and obey its teachings. It is self-interpreting and covers every subject of human knowledge and need.
The Holy Bible is the book that reveals the mind of God, the state of man, the only way of Salvation, the doom of sinners, the evil forces of Satan, and the happiness of believers. Its doctrines are Holy, its precepts are binding, its histories true, and its decisions unchanging through time.
The only way to know the truth is to study the Truth, God's Holy Word. Because Satan only has the power you give him, it is your choice to begin a new and more purposeful life by knowing what God says about everything from His Word and not blindly trusting what religions teach. Find out what God says about everything, in His Word.
My books are to encourage each one to become inquisitive, searching on your own the Word of God and letting Holy Spirit teach, reveal and guide you.
Whatever you have experienced in life, remember the Creator of All Life can guide you out of anything and put you on the true and solid path you were created to follow all along. God has never left us alone to fend for ourselves, and even in our darkest, confusing moments, God went before us to prepare us for our victory. Your victory with God by your side is the greatest joy you will ever experience in this life.
The truth, the only truth we need, is not where we have been looking. It is not some hidden treasure we cannot find, but it is in plain sight for us to read. It is the Holy Bible.
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