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    The Vine Church
    Behind the polished oak doors of The Vine Church, three prayers rise to heaven.

    Victoria Griffith prays for her husband's attention.
    Mabel Babs-Jonah prays for another woman's life.
    And Elizabeth David-West prays that her sins won't destroy them all.
    At the altar stands Pastor John Griffith�a sheph

    Price:  $1.99

    book excerpt

    “I’m ending our relationship.” He wasted no time diving into the purpose of his visit, meeting her gaze with intensity as his words flowed. Elizabeth’s breath caught in her throat, her eyes widening in disbelief. She had never anticipated such a twist so quickly. Lately, he had been acting strangely, not taking her calls or responding to her texts, but she assumed he was under pressure from work. Yes, she feared there might be another woman, someone younger and more beautiful, but she thought it was a phase they would overcome. “Why?” she asked. “Is it another woman?” Barry’s gaze was unwavering as it held hers, creating an electric connection that seemed to pause time around them. “It is another woman, but it’s also Jesus. Mainly Jesus.” He’d made a heartfelt promise to Jesus that if Daisy’s health was restored, he would return to his family without hesitation. Daisy was healed, so it was time to fulfil the promise. He could not get back together with Mabel and carry on with Elizabeth. He was not that man anymore. As soon as Jesus’ name was mentioned, Elizabeth couldn’t hold back any longer; a burst of dry, mirthless laughter erupted from her, filling the room. “That’s the most ridiculous thing I ever heard. Jesus? Are you being serious?” He nodded. “Yes, Elizabeth. I’m serious. I met Jesus and fell in love with my wife again. And I need to pursue a relationship with both Jesus and my wife; I can’t do that with you on the side. I’m sorry.” He rose to his feet and thrust his hands into his trouser pockets. Elizabeth shot up from her seat, her eyes blazing with intensity as she folded her arms defiantly across her chest. “So, you met Jesus, did you? Well, I have always known Jesus. He was in my house all the years of my childhood and adulthood. My father was a missionary, made poor by Jesus, and my brother is a preacher, called away from a lucrative career to a thankless job by Jesus, so don’t come here and speak to me as if you know something I don’t.” “I don’t know if we are talking about the same Jesus, Elizabeth. I only know that Jesus answered my heartfelt prayer, and I want to walk with Him for the rest of my life.” “Fine then. But let me warn you. I have known Jesus longer than you have. He lets people down. And don’t come running to me when He lets you down, as I am sure He soon will.” Barry strolled towards the front door and paused to glance at Elizabeth. “I’m certain now that we’re not referring to the same person, Elizabeth. Goodbye.” As he turned toward the door, Elizabeth let out a gasp. “I don’t believe this! You’re just going to walk away like that?” she demanded. “I sent my husband away because of you!” He abruptly halted, and he pivoted to meet her gaze, irritation sparking in his eyes. “You told me when we met that the marriage had long ceased to exist, and you led separate lives, although living under the same roof.” He waited for her to refute the statement, and when she didn’t, he shrugged. “Don’t make me responsible for your problems, Elizabeth.” He opened the door and walked out, shutting it firmly behind him. Elizabeth picked a cushion and tossed it at the door. It hit the front door and fell to the floor. “I hope you rot in hell, Barry Babs-Jonah!” she cried.
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