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    Raging Fire
    Suzanne Snosavenski
    Fred wakes up in the hospital not knowing his past or who he is. He meets a beautiful nurse, who looked like an angel to him. As he tried to get close to her, he was finding out that she had a very dark past, and that someone was out to get her. He was determine to find out her past, along with his.

    Price:  $6.95

    book excerpt

    This story continues where The blood of Innocence leaves off... Fred left his home town of Quartez when he lost the woman he loved, and killed a man. He went as far as Florida to start a new life for himself. But with the guilt and the pity, he took to drinking. He did odd jobs around town, but he drank most of his money away. He didn’t care about his appearance, or about anyone, or anything, just his booze. One night as he staggered to his motel room, two men jumped him and beat him almost to death. Then one man pulled out a knife and stabbed him, they then took his wallet and left Fred to die. When Fred came to, he didn’t know where he was, or if he was even alive. He saw a beautiful sight, which made him believe he was dead, it was a beautiful blond woman dressed all in white. It wasn’t until she spoke to him, that he realized he wasn’t dead. When she asked him for his name, he realized he didn’t even know. ‘Who is he, and where does he live? Does he even have a family?’ Those ideas went through his head, but no answers came to him. As the days went on, Fred decided that maybe it was good that he didn’t know who he was…maybe he was an axe murderer? He soon forgot about himself as he drew closer to this angel girl, who’s name was Angela. But as he tried to get closer to her, she would try to pull him further away from her. He could tell that she was hiding a deep dark secret. But what? When a guy came into the hospital and talked to Fred about Angela, he thought, that was a little odd. Why would a stranger talk to a patient about a nurse? What kind of trouble was this sweet young angel of a woman in?
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