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    The Adventures of Lila the Little Church Mouse
    Nancy Quinn
    Lucy's favorite quote is "I may be small, but my faith is BIG!" This collection of 22 one-page stories is sure to enrich a Sunday School or Backyard Bible Club lesson. Each story can serve as a take-home page to reinforce a lesson, and is complete with Bible memory verse and prayer of salvation.

    Price:  $3.95

    book excerpt

    Lila Mouse wiggled to sit up straighter and smoothed her tail down. The sun streamed through the stained glass windows and the first lighted Advent candle flickered. She took her favorite pen and made notes on her Sunday school lesson. She looked over at her mom and she smiled and nodded. As Lila and her parents walked back downstairs to their home behind the Christmas ornaments box in the church basement, Lila excitedly told her mom that she knew who to get a secret gift for. “Yes, I liked the pastor’s idea too,” said Mom. “Giving an anonymous gift for someone who doesn’t expect it, but needs someone to remember them this Christmas is a wonderful idea. What a nice way to honor God’s gift to us when He sent Jesus to be our Savior on Christmas so long ago!” When Lila and her mom went to the store the following Saturday, Lila looked through the bin of gloves and chose a pair that looked extra warm. At home, she carefully wrapped the gloves and taped a red bow on the top of the package. She set the package on her desk and peeked out the window, her anticipation growing at the thought of giving a secret gift to someone.
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