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    The Church Rapture

    This 80-page eBook, in simple language, reports the Biblical teaching of the Rapture. It explains the various aspects of the Rapture. The timing of the Rapture in relation to the tribulation period is firmly set forth. You can be an expert on the subject of the Rapture. READ IT!

    Price:  $7.77

    book excerpt

    A Secret Rapture There is an amusing belief in Christendom that the rapture will be a secret event - an invisible event. According to this belief the rapture will not be seen by people on earth. They will become aware of it after suddenly discovering millions of missing people around the world. Sounds more like a sci-fi movie than Bible doctrine. Why should the rapture be a secret event? Did Jesus come secretly the first time? Certainly not. He was in the public eye from the manger to the grave. His adult ministry was a very public one with large crowds often pursuing Him. He was the center of attention in Israel. The four gospels authenticate His person and public presence. If the first coming of Jesus was so visible why should His coming at the rapture be veiled in secrecy? Why should the unbelieving world not see Jesus at the rapture? They saw Him at His first coming. The Bible clearly teaches that the world will see Jesus when He takes the church to Himself at the rapture. Jesus’ earthly mission was not a secret one. His presence and works were very public and so will the rapture be. The Apostle Paul made an interesting statement to King Agrippa while defending himself against a false charge. He said, For the king knoweth of these things, before whom also I speak freely: for I am persuaded that none of these things are hidden from him; for this thing was not done in a corner. Acts 26:26 Paul said that King Agrippa was much aware of Jesus and His works because Jesus had not acted secretly. Jesus conducted His ministry openly to all the public. He and His works were observed by all of Israel and people from far away places. Jesus’ first coming did not happen in secret so why should His second coming be secretive?
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