Out of the blue I started writing poems. Not beautiful ones, not pretty ones, but all with solid messages of hope and direction.These are messages from the shoulder to church leaders and passive Christians and poems to show the way to all seekers. These poems can be read to congregations to stir them into action. These poems can be read in the quiet at home. Almost all bring revival to the fore. Messages are aimed at the heart of every person.
Out of the blue ? No, my belief is that the Lord set me into action in an extraordinary way. You see I first wrote a book of church cartoons "Laugh With The Lord", then an autobiography "The Road To Jesus Is Never Closed". They seemed to come out of the blue, yet I am sure they were inspired by our wonderful Lord. Then I received the urge to write poetry and I found it hard to stop ! In fact I have so far written over five hundred poems all with an evangelical flavour.
All these poems release from me a desire to tell everyone about Jesus, no holds barred. Jesus lives and loves, and everyone must bring folk to know Jesus.
Go through the great variety of titles, every one leads to Jesus. The basic message is "Follow Jesus" said in countless ways. It is my fervent prayer that these poems will pull at the heartstrings of many who read them.
Church leaders are wonderfully dedicated, saintly people. Yet their churches are often lacking in members. They need the Holy Spirit to awaken them to the need to evangelise, to bring people to accept Jesus, to save lives. The need for those in the pews to take on new life is urgently required. It5 can happen; to God nothing is impossible. These poems can help to point the way.
Revival can be done by having enthusiasm that is contagious and sets each church on fire.
These poems are meant for all; unbelievers, telling them what they are missing, fence sitters, hoping they will come to Jesus; pew sitting Christians telling them gently but firmly that they need to move into action for Jesus; and the truly dedicated, helping them in their sacrificial work. These poems are meant for pastors too. We can all learn; we can all realise that we can do better. The dedicated worship leader can read out many of the poems to those assembled and then even copy them and give them out as keepsakes. Hallelujah !"
Paul Juby
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