7 Visual Steps To Living Your Dream: Creating dreams and bringing ideas to reality. Emmanuel N. Obu
You may have put off an idea or dream because you think it’s unachievable or you have tried to live it and failed. Inside this book you will discover what you’ve missed out, not understood and processes required for living any dream or achieving any idea.
Price: $4.99
from Amazon.com!
book excerpt
Ms. Bronnie Ware, who for many years worked in palliative care, said her patients were those who had gone home to die and that she shared some incredibly special times with them on their deathbeds. When they were questioned about any regrets they had or anything they would do differently, common themes surfaced again and again. And the number one most common regret was that they didn’t fulfill their dream.
There are too many people who have died without living their dream and there are over 80% who are not living their dreams even now or have given up trying going by the survey that either 1 or 2 persons may be living there dreams out of 10. Actually there is an alarming epidemic of “unfulfilled dream†presently.
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