Smiling Again: Coming Back to Life and Faith After Brain Surgery Sally Stap
“When I woke up. . .I quickly became aware that gliding through brain surgery recovery was not the big plan. Pain, paralysis, and single-sided deafness loomed ahead.” This is my story of brain surgery and recovery
Price: $7.99
book excerpt
It surprised me how quickly consciousness came after surgery. A nurse said, “You’re awake,†from behind me. She offered a wet sponge to my mouth. I eagerly sucked water to moisten my parched mouth. She seemed to know what I needed before I thought it. I saw a clock, and calculated eleven hours since my last memory. Eleven hours in brain surgery to remove a 2.7 mm Acoustic Neuroma (AN). How bad had the tumor been, I wondered? The room was bright, quiet with the exception of my beeping equipment. It was late and I was alone in Recovery at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota.
Back pain was first, aching beyond description. My left hip burned. Lying on my side for so long with my head in a vice had twisted my body. I didn’t expect pain so far from my head. Then discomfort invaded my head and neck so intensely that I couldn’t lay still. I said “my back†but it came out “my ack.†Something had happened to my mouth. The nurse apologized for making me repeat myself, finally understood, and quickly added pillows beneath me.
Where was God?
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