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    Biblical studies

    You Will Need ADOBE DIGITAL EDITIONS to View These eBooks

    James Manning
    Your Price:$1.95
    All of us at one time or another come to those moments in life where we need a special word of encouragement, a word that will remind us of who we are and what we are capable of doing in the Lord Jesus, a word that catches us at those moments where we are about to sell ourselves out and settle for

    Overcoming the Power of Anger
    John Okoronkwo
    Your Price:$5.00
    (Ephesians 4:26- 27 Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath, neither give place to the devil.)

    Reclaiming the Land: God's Formula for Revival
    Rusty Kuhn
    Your Price:$4.95
    In Reclaiming the Land, Pastor Rusty Kuhn has clearly outlined God’s formula for revival that God has given in II Chronicles 7:14. Reclaiming the Land unfolds the biblical principle that if you plan and promote your agenda, bestowing glory and honor upon yourself rather than Jesus, the hand of God’s blessings will not fall. However, as demonstrated in this book through the principles of God’s Word, if we choose to pursue God’s way for His glory, His promise will be kept: “Then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”

    Behold Our Awesome God
    Robin Ulbredtch
    Your Price:$3.99
    Behold Our Awesome God, a thirteen-week Bible study, presents God's attributes by sharing accounts of His intervention in people's lives. Through provocative questions, activities, and Scripture, we can "behold" God and learn to apply His word to our lives.

    James Manning
    Your Price:$1.95
    This booklet was inspired by a child's need to know, she said dad, this friend at school who knows that I I believe in Jesus, but he said to me that he would not believe in God until someone could satisfactory explain to him how God could not have a beginning nor end

    Know the Truth-Know Who You Are
    Lisa Russell
    Your Price:$6.00
    I believe there are four “knows” that lead to spiritual maturity and freedom in Christ. This study will be divided into four segments:
    1.Know Who You Are In Christ
    2.Know The Father Intimately
    3.Know Your Enemy
    4.Know Freedom

    The Bible Mode
    Your Price:$7.00
    The Bible has often been criticized for its vulnerability to so many different interpretations. This book celebrates those alternative insights and unashamedly asks the tough questions like, "Was sexual desire a 'thorn'y issue for the apostle Paul? Is God pro-choice? What did the "stripes of Jesus" really do for you?", "Is God really talking to you?" And dozens of other important Bible questions answered in an exciting blog format with interaction from readers all over the world. Get ready for a life-altering experience as you enter the realm of The Bible Mode.

    Made in the Image of God: Understanding the Nature of God and Mankind in a Changing World (Revised Edition)
    Reid Ashbaucher
    Your Price:$5.99
    Made in the Image of God is a book that provides key concepts for understanding the nature and personhood of God and mankind, while revealing the reality of how we as human beings relate to God physically, emotionally and spiritually in a metaphysical way, both now and in the future.

    Jesus Your Way Or God's Way
    Your Price:$8.50
    A deep look into what scriptures really are saying about Jesus and who is was and is.

    Alive in Christ
    Pastor Bobby Keating
    Your Price:$4.95
    What does it mean to be "Alive in Christ?" This books delves into the the relationship that men need with Christ

    Righteousness, Holiness, and Victory Over Sin: Full Salvation Through the Atoning Death of the Lord Jesus Christ
    Karl Kemp
    Your Price:$6.99
    This e-book, which deals to a large extent with the interpretation of passages of the Bible (especially the New Testament) that deal with the super-important topic of righteousness, holiness, and victory over sin is packed with good news, very good news!

    The 11:45 Call
    Brenda Blakely
    Your Price:$4.95
    The 11:45 Call is Bible study for the serious Bible student. How will you answer the Call in light of the coming of the midnight hour (Matthew 25:1-13)? Engage in personal or corporate Bible Study to "show thyself.. a workman...who need not be ashamed." Jude gives Christians a warning, be ready.
    Available in more formats from:

    Raising GODLY Children In SODOM
    Omoruyi Osawaru
    Your Price:$8.49
    Have you been wondering how you are going to train your children to be godly in this Sodom-like cities and world of ours today? Or will your children end up being like Loth�s daughters who were influenced by Sodom? Or have you become complicit in helping the Sodomites to commit a lesser sin as Loth.
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    Time is Running Out
    Your Price:$1.99
    Time is Running Out is a book of short articles that stress the need and urgency of placing one's faith in Jesus Christ for salvation. It has a lot of Scripture quotes to support the message. Also in Spanish on Amazon.

    No More Whacky Worship (God's Revival Series, #1)
    Omaudi Reid
    Your Price:$3.99
    No More Whacky Worship is a no nonsense admonition of current and prevalent behavior among many named Christians – behavior that nullifies our claim to true worship. The book addresses how to identify and overcome personal and corporate practices that disqualify us from true worship.
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