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    Biblical studies

    You Will Need ADOBE DIGITAL EDITIONS to View These eBooks

    Standing Firm
    Janet Ruth
    Your Price:$3.00
    This Bible study on the Armor of God will help you find victory in your life and take hold of God's promises. It's time to stand firm in your battle against the enemy as you learn to defend yourself with truth, righteousness, peace, faith, the Word of God, and prayer. Also in paperback on Amazon.

    Introduction to The Mid Week Rapture - Verse-by-Verse Studies of Key Prophetic Passages
    Karl Kemp
    Your Price:$6.99
    This ebook consists mostly of verse-by-verse studies of the key passages of the Bible, especially from the book of Revelation and Daniel chapter 12, that demonstrate that the Lord Jesus will return and the rapture will take place in the middle of Daniel's 70th week, at the seventh and last trumpet.

    Wayne Mac Leod
    Your Price:$4.99
    A Devotional Look at How God Led His People Through the Wilderness

    Living Waters: Baptism - From His Heart Through Ours
    Jim Lindemann
    Your Price:$4.95
    A close look at the astonishing range found within Baptism, in a dual format: the first section is a condensed overview of what God causes within this simple act; the second section dives into the greatness of His promises and of the relationship that God has so desired with humans since Creation.

    Fast Track To Freedom
    Your Price:$4.95
    My wife, Bonnie, prayed for ten years for God to deliver her from cigarettes. She tried everything from patches to gum. Nothing worked. Then she read this manuscript. She asked the Lord to show her what to fast from. She was also a huge coffee drinker. Coffee and cigarettes went hand in hand for her. It kept coming up from the Lord to fast from coffee but she kept ignoring it. The Lord wanted her to train her flesh to obey her. Then the Lord told me to advise her to fast from coffee, even though I did not know He was already talking to her about it. So, with that confirmation, she went ahead and gave up the coffee. Two days later, God delivered her from a thirty-four year addiction to cigarettes.

    12 Titanic Lessons for Christians
    charles hagan
    Your Price:$4.95
    12 Titanic Lessons for Christians is a rather clever guide in which the author uses historic facts concerning the sinking of the Titanic as parallels to biblical exhortations pertinent to 20th Century Christians.
    The book is entertaining, accurate, educational and extremely uses for all Christians


    Your Price:$4.95

    The Second Coming of Jesus Christ
    Throw Down Your Crowns
    Fixed Focus on God
    Rule in the Midst of Your Enemies
    The Power of Our Return to the Lord
    Futility-The State of Our Fallen World
    The Army of the Lord-Joel Chapter 2
    The Truth About Armageddon
    Old Testament References to Christ
    Psalm 13
    Revelation-Message to the Seven Churches
    Slain By the Spirit
    The Book of Hosea
    The Book of Malachi
    The Future of Christianity
    The Little Flock
    The Antichrist
    Your Sins Separate You From God
    Know The Lord

    Jody Day
    Your Price:$4.74
    H.E.A.V.E.N. is a devotional to help get a handle on the storms of life.

    Hell Is for Real
    Kip Phelps
    Your Price:$3.99
    Most people don’t believe in a literal, burning hell. Evidence indicates, however, that hell is real, its punishments are fierce, and its population is enormous. Hell Is for Real provides evidence of hell, tells what heaven, hell, and God are like, and explains how hell can be avoided.

    Know the Truth-Know The Father
    Lisa Russell
    Your Price:$6.00
    I believe there are four “knows” that lead to spiritual maturity and freedom in Christ. This study will be divided into four segments:
    1.Know Who You Are In Christ
    2.Know The Father Intimately
    3.Know Your Enemy
    4.Know Freedom

    Jesus in Sheol
    Gabor Kover
    Your Price:$9.00
    The basic version of the book is a bachelor's thesis written in the 1990's. Since then, the text of this book has been taught in more than 30 Christian churches and in Bible schools. This teaching about the suffering and resurrection of Jesus Christ has been a great success everywhere!
    Available in more formats from:

    Choose this Day who You will Serve, Because God is Not Playing!
    Your Price:$10.00
    God's way or the low way!

    Know the Truth-Know Your Enemy
    Lisa Russell
    Your Price:$6.00
    I believe there are four “knows” that lead to spiritual maturity and freedom in Christ. This study will be divided into four segments:
    1.Know Who You Are In Christ
    2.Know TheFather Intimately
    3.Know Your Enemy
    4.Know Freedom

    The Law of Jealousy
    Gary Mitchem
    Your Price:$3.95
    The Epistle to the Hebrews reveals many hidden truths of the Old Testament, especially within the Torah. One such mystery is found in the book of Numbers. As a Mosaic Law, it seemed a bit obscure, even unfair; as a revelation of grace, it is magnificent!

    Stephanie White
    Your Price:$4.99
    Everyone experiences an off-season in
    life - sometimes more than one.
    An off-season is a dry time; it is a time of lack and a time of trials. These times can feel daunting and painful; therefore, we must understand the purpose of these times and we must be sure that God has a plan for our good