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    Derrière les Lignes Ennemies
    Danny Clifford
    Your Price:$3.99
    Ce libre vous raconte une émouvante et intéressante histoire sur ma formation, mes expériences et mes rapports, en tant que Sergent d’état-major de l’armée des États-Unis, dans la 75e Brigade de Gardes Forestiers à Vietnam en 1969 et 1970, effectuant des missions de reconnaissance Derrière les Ligne
    Available in more formats from:

    Living the American Dream
    Patricia Jordan
    Your Price:$3.99
    The American Dream is achievable for most Americans. I know because my parents did just that. They established a successful souvenir wholesale company, Cherokee Supply Co. Inc. in Whittier, North Carolina. I’ve written their story of how they did it.

    Christian Prayer Journal & Praise Report
    Angela Perez
    Your Price:$6.95
    Record your prayers, and their answers in the handy journal designed with the Christian in mind. Includes chapters on what prayer is, how to pray, the value of prayer, and more.

    Be Inspired to Write and Keep Writing
    Omesha Pettway-Jones
    Your Price:$4.99
    For you book writers and first-time authors who find yourselves with a story in your belly, or on your heart, but lack the motivation, inspiration, and dedication to starting or completing your project, this booklet is sure to encourage you to write and keep writing.

    The Golden Rhythm: Righteous and Empowered Living
    Byron Love
    Your Price:$7.00
    God has a purpose for each of us. We need His help to discover that purpose, pursue it, and fulfill it. Yet, we are distracted by the temptations and harmful desires which cause us to lose focus. If you have had this experience, “The Golden Rhythm” can help you.

    Why I Repented Being Christian
    K Godfrey Easter
    Your Price:$8.00
    Why I Repented Being Christian presents a provocative journey of one ex-gay believer’s desperate search for the authentic light of truth that all four gospels insist should brightly shine from any religion that calls on the Name of Christ. But this clarion call is not about religion, but reality.

    The Great Debate
    Your Price:$4.95
    Not since the infamous Scopes Monkey Trial has there been a more entertaining and revealing debate over the never ending, controversial, evolution versus creationism theories. Evolutionists claim scientific enlightenment. Creationists claim moral, spiritual, and yes, scientific superiority. This debate took place online at between a Christian author and lay Bible teacher and four atheistic evolutionists who took issue with the Christian's article regarding prayer in schools. As you read the progression of the debate you will discover the complete lack of concern for children on the part of one atheist, reminisent of the ACLU's decietful infiltration into the school systems of America. You will read sentences like, "if it (teaching kids evolution) is harming children then so be it". You will read the revelation that Marxism is being taught in schools and the next generation is doomed to the lifestyles of animals. The names and nicknames of the persons involved have been altered to hide the disgrace of the ignorant. You will be amazed at what the next generation looks like and it isn't pretty.

    The 'She' Redeemed: Part III In relationship
    S Mariah
    Your Price:$1.99
    Alice is in her very first relationship ever in Part III....her life has changed drastically because of the Grace of God. That's the author's very own story, unfolding to all.

    A Healing Journey: Emotional and Spiritual Wholeness through Personal Journaling
    Pamela Bridgeman
    Your Price:$6.00
    I wrote A Healing Journey as a manual, a workbook and a journal. It will teach you about the practice of journaling and will guide you through this wondrous writing experience with practical

    I invite you to embark on a journey to a forever freedom.

    Prepared to Answer
    Rob Vandeweghe
    Your Price:$4.95
    Prepared to Answer is the result of an eight years journey from a skeptic to a believer and follower of Christ. Extensive research supports the presented evidences from logic, science, archaeology, history and scholarship.

    448 pages. Well structured and indexed.

    More on God's Timing Anthology
    Petra van der Zande
    Your Price:$5.00
    This Anthology features testimonies, poems, Biblestudies and/or devotions from 15 Faith Writers Members, written in their own, personal and unique style.
    Sales of the E-book and hard-copies go towards "Goats for Grandmothers" in Kenya.

    40 pages - in color

    Healing Begins in the Heart
    Your Price:$3.99
    Do you feel that God has abandoned you? Do you struggle with fear and grief? Are you weighed down with doubt, anger, or depression? Do you wonder if you can really trust God?

    You are not alone.


    Feed the Flock
    Henry Jaegers
    Your Price:$7.00
    Faith building messages for busy Christians
    Available in more formats from:

    Breakthrough Despite Jericho
    Isaac Omolayo
    Your Price:$4.99
    Today, Christians focused their attention to the physical Jericho. They neglect the major walls that hinder life breakthrough. Breakthrough Despite Jericho gave insight into the spiritual Jericho and how they can hold down the Breakthroughs. If these walls are neglected: Prayers, Fasting, Night Vigil, Mountain Prayers, Prophetic Words, Anointing Services has no solution until the spiritual Jericho are broken. Spiritual controls the physical. Every creation both spiritual and physical answers to the WORD. “I would preacher shift focus from physical problem to face spiritual problem. Preachers should realize that spiritual control the physical, therefore emphasis must be laid on spiritual state than the physical…” Here the Holy Spirit present to you the word that gives Breakthrough Despite Jericho.

    God's Timing
    Petra van der Zande
    Your Price:$5.00
    Anthology with testimonies, devotionals and poems about God's Timing. Compiled from the writings of 15 Faith Writers members.
    Sales go towards "talking Bibles" for blind people in Malawi and Mozambique.
    38 pages - in color
