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    You Will Need ADOBE DIGITAL EDITIONS to View These eBooks

    Ken Kwok
    Your Price:$2.99
    This book is a collection of some of my writings that I’d written in the past two and half decades. I call them ‘Insight” because each piece speaks to me spiritually and emotionally as if my soul is teaching me the profound lessons of being human experiencing this world.

    Active Infinity
    Anthea Van Der Pluym
    Your Price:$4.95
    To be added

    Living for Jesus Until He Returns: Grow Your Relationship with Jesus Christ
    Your Price:$2.99
    Jesus is coming back - and soon! That knowledge should motivate all Christians to live with expectation and accountability in mind.

    Trials and Triumphs II
    Michael Edwards
    Your Price:$7.99
    The fifty authors in this book do not have perfect lives. They actually have something much better; a heartfelt understanding of the most important thing, a correct awareness that God does love them.

    Ok, God, Let's Start from Here
    Tricia Draper
    Your Price:$9.99
    Have you ever wondered what God is saying to you? Do you have questions you would like answered? In this book, God answers such questions about how to trust, praise and listen to Him. God chose you specifically and wants you to have a deep personal relationship with Him.

    The 'She' Confused: Part I
    S Mariah
    Your Price:$1.99
    This 'Alice' has lost her identity, she doesn't know who she is in God's eyes. She's been wandering in her 'wonderland' for quite long time, can this 'Alice' be set free? Why is she so confused by the way?

    Let's find out, this is the author's own story/testimony...
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    Why I Repented Being Christian
    K Godfrey Easter
    Your Price:$8.00
    Why I Repented Being Christian presents a provocative journey of one ex-gay believer’s desperate search for the authentic light of truth that all four gospels insist should brightly shine from any religion that calls on the Name of Christ. But this clarion call is not about religion, but reality.

    BROKEN VESSELS: God's GLORY through FLAWED Humanity
    Ken Barnes
    Your Price:$0.99
    Have you ever experienced a hurtful situation that left you devastated and disillusioned? Have you ever wondered where God was in your time of need? Are the wounds covered over by the passing years, still festering inside of you? Be encouraged by Ken's incredible story of forgiveness and redemption.

    The Story of Love
    Juanita Coy
    Your Price:$4.95
    Jesus is my Lighthouse!
    This is The Story of Love. The Story of My Savior�s Love given for me and the love He gave me even before I was born, and the Love He sends to me each day, direct delivery on a beautiful white stallion. This is the Story of Love. The Story of my husband�s love to me that he extends to me each day. This is the Story of Love, of my family�s love to me. The times we have cherished, good and bad, filled with joy and tears. And, this is a fairy tale story that ends in a wonderful, fairy-tale land, built for me, personally!
    Once upon a time, my ship was sailing on a calm sea, it was serene and peaceful, nothing but calmness and serenity, or so it seemed.
    Then suddenly my ship began to rock from the storms of life, from the very center of my physical being. It started slowly at first, then the winds began to become stronger as inside I began battling fear, depression, and an unknown combatant.
    My boat was beginning to fill with water, and at times, I felt I was going to sink. But, then miraculously, I caught sight of a vision on a hillside. My Savior, Jesus Christ, shining His light in my direction. His light glowing, beaming in my direction. His proof of love to me. He continues to shine His beacon for me to let me know that I am NOT alone. He is aware of my needs and my concerns, and is ever watchful for my spirit and soul. Let me take you on a journey on this ship�

    "He who promised is faithful!"
    Hebrews 10:23

    Stepping Over Myself
    Ayis Caperonis
    Your Price:$4.95
    Ayis A.Caperonis has been blessed by God and has been able to write of his own experiences as a survivor of a brain tumor. He is writing this book in the hope of being able to motivate and help people overcome challenges and adversity.

    The 'She' Recovered: Part II
    S Mariah
    Your Price:$1.99
    Here comes the Part II of The'she' confused....and now she is the 'she' much have changed since Part I in Alice's life.

    It's the author's real story, her life has changed because of the Power of God, she discovered that she is highly loved by God....want to discover more?
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    Silent Assassins of the Soul
    Clifford Tate
    Your Price:$4.99
    The secrecy of pornography and especially internet pornography has riddled minds, torn apart homes, and destroyed marriages. Pornography has become one of the most powerful businesses in the world and the industry continues to grow. It is a multi-billion-dollar industry.

    My SAFE Tips ..How To Find Peace In God
    Florence Roberts
    Your Price:$4.95
    I am so grateful for how a better understanding of what God is and what I am to Him has opened a new view of life for me. I share some simple steps of how God's truths have shown me my worth, given me peace and driven away most of my fears. These truths are "A POWER" FOR US ALL.

    Focus on Prayer
    Joe smith
    Your Price:$3.97
    You can hear from God in prayer. Learn about the remarkable tools He gave us to get closer to Him. Types, styles and methods of prayer explained, along with information about spiritual warfare prayers and specific prayers like the Lord's Prayer or the Serenity prayer.

    Encounters in the Jemez
    Your Price:$2.99
    Teenagers Kevin and Curt leave their comfortable urban world during summer break for what they expect to be a week of camping adventure in a nearby mountain wilderness. However, the two have experiences in the wilderness that neither could have anticipated ahead of time.
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