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    Biblical studies

    You Will Need ADOBE DIGITAL EDITIONS to View These eBooks

    Your Price:$4.95

    1. Preface
    2. Introduction
    3. God the Trinity
    4. Man-Body, Soul and Spirit
    5. The Lord’s Prayer
    6. What is Salvation
    7. Faith
    8. on Divine Revelation.
    9. The Truth
    10. The Ten Commandments
    11. God’s Promises
    12. Finding Truth in the Bible
    13. Is the Bible Outdated

    Abortion and Judgement
    Don Costello
    Your Price:$6.00
    Backed by 30 years of Biblical studying,this book comprehensively reaveals the similarities between the child sacrificing of ancient Judah in comparison to present day abortion-on-demand in America--and touches on the judgement that Judah experienced and the judgement America will probably recieve.

    Celebration! Holy Communion: A Love Story
    Jim Lindemann
    Your Price:$4.95
    Holy Communion is a foretaste of the heavenly wedding feast. As such, then the context of this Sacrament is that of newlyweds: the Bridegroom Jesus and His Bride, the Church. It is laced with the love, excitement, enthusiasm, delight, eagerness, and all the rest that mark such an occasion.

    Help Me God! Change My Life
    Rhonda Jones
    Your Price:$19.97
    Jesus said in Matthew 6:22-23, “The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!"

    Creation’s Ballet for Jesus
    Jim Lindemann
    Your Price:$4.95
    This ballet, informed by the Bible, pulls together history, Magi, stars, planets, Jewish festivals, extraordinary accuracy of timing and more to discover powerful evidence of God’s handiwork at the occasion of His coming to earth. (Pages 145)

    1 & 2 Samuel
    Wayne Mac Leod
    Your Price:$4.99
    A Devotional Look at Israel's Transition to Leadership Under Her Kings

    The A.R.T. of Following God: Actions, Relationships and Thoughts
    Jeff Moon
    Your Price:$6.00
    The Lord wants you to seek and find him, and he has already given you the 3 tools you need. Whether you already know him, or are unsure how to, see how these everyday tools can take some of the mystery out of building a rock-solid faith.
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    The Catholic Church vs. the Bible
    Arnold Petrosino
    Your Price:$2.99
    Roman Catholicism is not the same as the Christianity of the Bible. This book will appeal to Roman Catholics, former Roman Catholics and Christians who are trying to reach Roman Catholics or are curious about what the differences are. Many, many Roman Catholics don’t know what their church Teaches.
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    Wayne Mac Leod
    Your Price:$4.99
    A Devotional Look at How Moses Prepared His People to Enter the Land of Promise

    The Spirit of a True Believer, Lessons from the Life of Ruth
    Gregory Berry
    Your Price:$7.95
    The Spirit of a True Believer is a unique look at the book of Ruth. God often uses historical incidents as object lessons for His believing people. This book shows how Ruth's relationships with Naomi and Boaz reflect the relationship that the Christian believer should have with God.

    A Shadow of Good Things to Come: The Testimony of Christ Through the Old and New Testaments Book 1 of a two-part series
    Louise Fugate
    Your Price:$3.99
    Redemption through Jesus Christ was foreshadowed in the Old testament, and Christ was the "spiritual Rock" that followed the Israelites in the desert with Moses (1 Cor. 10:1-4). Watch how God's plan to send Jesus to die for us unfolds through the Jewish nation.

    Wayne Mac Leod
    Your Price:$4.99
    A Devotional Look at Israel's Exodus from Egypt and Organization at Mount Sinai

    The Law of Progression
    John Okoronkwo
    Your Price:$4.95
    Thorough explanation of the law that surround the blessings of God

    The Church Rapture
    Your Price:$7.77
    This 80-page eBook, in simple language, reports the Biblical teaching of the Rapture. It explains the various aspects of the Rapture. The timing of the Rapture in relation to the tribulation period is firmly set forth. You can be an expert on the subject of the Rapture. READ IT!

    Nimrod - the Easy Way to Be a Mighty One
    John Townsend
    Your Price:$4.49
    How Nimrod rose to great power and drew to himself a great people, and so to hunt down those who were living before the Lord (Bible exposition).
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