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    Biblical studies

    You Will Need ADOBE DIGITAL EDITIONS to View These eBooks

    Beauty in the Brokenness
    Sheila Mills
    Your Price:$3.99
    Beauty in the Brokenness focuses on the woman at the well's encounter with Jesus, as recorded in the book of John, Chapter 4. Her story is a message of hope and encouragement to those who have ever felt abandoned and trapped by their circumstances.

    The 23rd Psalm, The Good Shepherd In the Temple of God
    William Bell
    Your Price:$5.99
    A fresh perspective of the 23rd Psalm with portraits of the heavenly temple, the priesthood, the Messianic Banquet, reconciliation and dozens more almost universally overlooked major themes in six of the most widely read verses of the Bible.

    The Perfect Religion, A Beacon to the True Kingdom of God: Where have you been hiding
    Phillip Cimei
    Your Price:$9.99
    Is there such a thing as a perfect religion? If so, then why are there over 34,000 branches of the Christian faith? If there is one true body of believers, why do some feel like the following:
    • I need to wander around from church to church because I’m not satisfied
    • I’m afraid if I make a mistake I’m hell bound
    • I’m stuck in a lukewarm church with members who are satisfied with a mediocre religious life
    • I’m tired of that one doctrinal point that defines my church and excludes other Christians
    • I’m not sure if what the preacher is teaching is correct, but I’m afraid to buck the system
    The author, having embraced all of these destressing feelings, takes the reader on an unprecedented treasure hunt to find that illusive perfect religion. And after 50 years of digging he might have hit the mother lode—The Sermon on the Mount. Will it satisfy those still searching for the truth. Will it reaffirm the faith of those who have found the treasure? Will this truth set those shackled to a confused state free? The author addresses the problem head on.
    He weaves through the maze of controversy, theological mumbo jumbo, and religious opinions to give answers to why there is so much division in the church. And why so many wandering souls are searching, if not in their heart, from church to church. He uses captivating illustrations—a girl with a moose, a boy ravaged with a flesh-eating disease, and a vulture eyeballing a starving child, to bring to life Christ’s quest to show those wandering souls the way.

    “Will I truly find God?” you ask.
    “I love those who love me and those who seek me diligently will find me” Prov. 8:17


    Holy Spirit And His Anointing
    Titilope oluwadare
    Your Price:$8.00
    This book is an introduction to the Holy Spirit and a revelation of his privileges and power towards the believer. We will be looking at how he has manifested and still manifests in the lives of Gods people .This book is a practical application on the moves of the Holy Spirit.

    Understanding Spirituality
    Michael Iding
    Your Price:$9.99
    "Understanding Spirituality" is a Biblical Scripture based study taking scriptures to the next level from a literal reading-understanding to a spiritual-practicing level of awareness.

    120 pages of study that includes over 300 scriptures, with footnotes that list over 200 scriptures.


    Women of the Bible: A Study
    christina weigand
    Your Price:$6.00
    What can women who lived over 2000 years ago teach us about living in today�s hectic world? The answer to that question is; Lots, especially if you are looking to God for the answers. Through Eve, the Mother of all and of original sin. Sarah and Hagar tried to take matters into their own hands. Rach

    Women of Destiny - When Faith Leads
    Norm Stewart
    Your Price:$5.99
    In women of destiny we see the faith, courage and ingenuity of three great women who left an indelible mark on history. In discovering their destiny, they answered when faith called, followed when faith led, and went where only faith traveled. In so doing, they changed history and saved a nation

    Know the Truth-Know Freedom
    Lisa Russell
    Your Price:$6.00
    This is the final in a four part series KNOW THE TRUTH. This is the last step in the journey, "The Wilderness Walk to Freedom". It is recommended that you study the first 3 books: Know Who You Are, Know The Father, and Know Your Enemy. This can be a stand alone study.

    Can Anything Good Come from Seinfeld?
    Melle Spencer
    Your Price:$8.79
    Small group, discussion oriented lessons that apply scripture to situations from episodes of the popular TV show.

    Wayne Mac Leod
    Your Price:$4.99
    A Devotional Look at God's Standard of Behaviour for the Old Testament Believer

    The DiVine Code
    Dan Wafford
    Your Price:$7.95
    The Bible Code. The DaVinci Code. Did God really encode hidden messages in the Bible? Yes! But unlike the uncertain Bible Code or fictional DaVinci Code, God's code reflects the clear text message of His plan for man and the seven works of grace that Christ performed on man's behalf.

    In The Image of God: Male and Female He Created Them
    Jim Lindemann
    Your Price:$4.95
    God is invisible, but Creation is to see Him reflected in the Image of God (Man) – His way to reveal His Love, grace, mercy, forgiveness – in fact, many things will not happen unless done by human hands. Male and female are meant to be different, a binocular view by which to reveal God in 3-D.

    Knowing The Holy Spirit
    Lynn Gregory
    Your Price:$5.00
    A Bible study on the Holy Spirit taken right from the scriptures, our ONLY authority on God and His will for us.

    THE MANIFESTATION OF THE SONS OF GOD (The Revealing Of Genesis Chapter One) 268 pages
    James Manning
    Your Price:$4.99
    The climaxing of God's great redemption plan is the manifestation of the sons of God. It is the grand finale of God's great work. It is the time of the great and glorious appearing of our blessed hope! The Manifestation of the sons of God is the purpose and destiny of every born again believer. It i

    R. Joseph Owles
    Your Price:$2.25
    The New Peace Treaty (Between God and Humanity) is a new translation of the New Testament. The purpose of this translation is to make the meaning of New Testament documents accessible to the average reader. The language is basic and often employs common slang. Highly theological or often misundersto