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    You Will Need ADOBE DIGITAL EDITIONS to View These eBooks

    Rapture: Fact or Fable?
    Your Price:$2.99
    Controversial? Yes, to many readers "Rapture: Fact or Fable?" will be controversial because this nonfiction work explores the popular Christian belief that Christians will be "rescued" before a coming time of worldwide tribulation. Fact or fable? Hold that judgment. Read this book first.
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    The Seven Seals
    Steve Sterling
    Your Price:$4.97
    Countdown to the close of
    human probation: Demonstrating the plan of salvation as outlined in the book of Revelation from the death of the Lamb, to the ministration of our High Priest in the Heavenly Sanctuary, all the way down to the time when the probation of planet earth is forever closed.

    End-Time Prophecy E-Course
    Steve Sterling
    Your Price:$8.97
    How to Solve the Most Difficult End-Time Prophecies of Daniel and Revelation: - Exposing an impending religious conspiracy to convert the world to a new religious culture of outright idolatry and devil worship! Highly controversial.

    The Rapture Deception
    Timothy Kay
    Your Price:$0.99
    How will it be in the final days? And what did Christ teach concerning his return? We must never deviate from the words of Christ.

    Words: 9,500
    Language: English

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    Our Contemporary Society
    Eugen Pop
    Your Price:$8.78
    Our Contemporary Society book with Our Contemporary Society lesson. This Our Contemporary Society study and Our Contemporary Society story with Our Contemporary Society lesson looks at Our Contemporary Society message and asks what does Our Contemporary Society mean.

    The Church Rapture
    Your Price:$7.77
    This 80-page eBook, in simple language, reports the Biblical teaching of the Rapture. It explains the various aspects of the Rapture. The timing of the Rapture in relation to the tribulation period is firmly set forth. You can be an expert on the subject of the Rapture. READ IT!

    Reign: The Millennium
    Your Price:$8.95
    This book is about the Millennial Reign found in the Bible. This is fictional speculation, a sort of "What if . . ." story based on one historic position that there will be a literal reign for a thousand years which still lies in our future. eBook [Print book page count 492, 6x9]

    If the West Falls . . . Globalization, The End of America and Biblical Prophecy
    Bridget Howe
    Your Price:$3.99
    This book looks at the Intelligence Community and Civil Liberties violations which are done in the name of National Security. It is a close look at the deceptive practices of the US Government and the endangering of civil liberties globally. The manuscript sabotaged several times in publication.

    A Brewing Pot of Christian Persecution: America's Postmodern Anti-Christian Crusade
    Carl Parnell
    Your Price:$0.00
    A Brewing Pot of Christian Persecution: America’s Postmodern Anti-Christian Crusade exposes the tactics that are being used even now to rid America of Christianity. The anti-Christian agenda in America can be seen in the public school systems, the court systems, and throughout many other public set

    Sow the Wind
    Gary Ritter
    Your Price:$9.99
    In this political end-times thriller, chaos swirls around Pastor James Glazier in America 2028. His dying wife and numerous government mandates against Christians cause him to doubt his faith. Then God whispers into his unwilling ears.

    Power of the Prophet
    Laverne Long
    Your Price:$6.00
    In Luke 24:45 it says, "Then opened he their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures". The setting is after Jesus arose. This captured my attention because they knew Greek and Hebrew. They also knew the Law. After that, they followed Jesus around for three and a half years listening

    A Flaming Arrow in God's Bow: Pondering Your Past As a Guide to Your Future
    Donald Standeford
    Your Price:$7.49
    This is the audio version of my book, A Flaming Arrow in God’s Bow. The paperback and Kindle versions are also available.

    I like this Audible version; I feel producer Dan Caringer has managed to catch perfectly the tone, mood, and emotional resonance I intended for the written version.


    Seven Letters Detailing the Prophetic Framework of the Return of Christ
    Gregory Booker
    Your Price:$2.99
    This book is about 7 unique signs that desribe for the Church the Coming of Christ. Written by a man distant from Church but had a deep interest in wanting to know biblical prophecy. He shares his testimony and how God answered his prayers to understand and believe the reality of such an event
    Available in more formats from:

    How to Crack the 70-Week Prophecy Code in Daniel 9
    Steve Sterling
    Your Price:$4.97
    Taking you through the rudiments of Bible prophecy and shows you how you can use the parallel prophecies of Daniel 2, 7, and 8 to unravel the time prophecy of chapter 9.

    REVELATION A Love Story: The Hero | His Bride | Her Rescue
    Monica Bennett-Ryan
    Your Price:$8.98
    The Book of Revelation has a hero, a damsel in distress, a villain and a plot! When we don't 'add' anything, or 'take' anything away, the plot becomes easy to see. The plot itself is not complicated, but actually simple enough for a child to understand and remember. It holds many great blessings!
