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    You Will Need ADOBE DIGITAL EDITIONS to View These eBooks

    More on God's Timing Anthology
    Petra van der Zande
    Your Price:$5.00
    This Anthology features testimonies, poems, Biblestudies and/or devotions from 15 Faith Writers Members, written in their own, personal and unique style.
    Sales of the E-book and hard-copies go towards "Goats for Grandmothers" in Kenya.

    40 pages - in color

    The 411 on Playing the Game A Survival Guide for Students
    Amanda Williams
    Your Price:$3.00
    How to Survive Middle and High School

    Are you a parent with a child who is transitioning into middle or high school? Are you a student who knows you are smart enough, but can’t seem to do well in school? Is the idea of school overwhelming to you? If so, you will want to download The 411 on Pla

    Following the Shepherd's Staff
    Mary Annthipie Bane
    Your Price:$0.99
    A short story of a lifelong spiritual journey written as an encouragement to uplift those seeking the Lord in their lives,and desiring to following His will. (Portions previously published under the title Confessions of a Church Hopper)
    Available in more formats from:

    Achieving God's Vision: Four Keys To Attain His Vision For Your Life
    Emilou Ilagan
    Your Price:$0.99
    A Christian business book for students, young adults, new entrepreneurs or almost anyone wanting to know God's original intent, purpose, calling, and vision for their lives. This book will mentor you step by step on how to discover and achieve God's vision for your life.

    Faith of Our Fathers
    Don Joiner
    Your Price:$2.99
    Faith of Our Fathers features color photographs and brief histories of more than a hundred of the oldest, most historic, still-standing church buildings in the State of Georgia dating from before the American Revolution to the last year of the Civil War.

    What Dogs Teach Us About the Kingdom of Heaven
    Sandra Wolfe
    Your Price:$9.99
    This book was written specifically to Christian dog lovers who may not realize that a dog's heart and soul emanates a shining witness of Heaven's virtues, or how they portray fascinating parallels of discipleship qualities to their master. In reality, they are much more than 'just a dog'.

    Looking Beyond The Wall: Francita Meaux and Liturgical Dance
    Brian Passe
    Your Price:$3.99
    An autobiography of an African-American woman, raised in an orphanage, who created a style of liturgical dance called Le Maseran (The Master's Hand). Without any dance training she taught herself to dance for the Lord as a form of prayer and praise.

    Behind Enemy Lines
    Danny Clifford
    Your Price:$3.99
    This book tells a very exciting and intriguing story of my experiences and relationships as a United States Army Ranger with the 75th Rangers in 1969 and 1970, performing recon missions behind enemy lines.
    You expierence the physical war and the spiritual warfare that goes on daily for your soul.
    Available in more formats from:

    Can You Stand
    Rick Doan
    Your Price:$5.49
    "Ever fallen down? It hurts, and the wounds can leave scars. No different is our spirit when spiritually we 'fall down.' Micah 7:8 says 'Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise—' In Can You Stand? Pastor Ricky L. Doan details how God doesn't intend for you to stay down, hurting and broken. God wants you to be victorious! God wants you to be able to answer the question Can You Stand? with a resounding and victorious 'Yes!' "

    Beautiful Dreamer: Dreams - God's Personal Navigation System
    Teresa Odden
    Your Price:$7.99
    There is beauty in your dreams. Have you ever wondered if God speaks to you through your dreams? Do you ask whether your dreams are significant for your life? Beautiful Dreamer is an important book for anyone who has ever sought for an answer to these questions.

    Realize the Power of Your Christian Identity
    Julie Ngwabi
    Your Price:$10.19
    One of the tragedies facing our generation is that of identity crisis. When everything else is stripped away from, who are you? What remains? How you answer that question determines how you live your life. If you don’t know who you are you will answer to anything and follow anybody.

    Truth Denied - Church Deprived
    Heywood Roberts
    Your Price:$2.99

    About the seven biggest deceptions in Christiandom?
    About the motives behind your thoughts, actions?
    About all Jesus taught and prophesied?
    About the tongue-talkers?
    If heaven or hell is our choice?!
    If we are all children of God?


    Colorful Truths - Our Free Gift
    Rick King
    Your Price:$0.00
    Do you know that you can have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ? Did you know that God made a way for all of us to be forgiven of our sin and go to Heaven when we leave this earth? Did you know that you can walk daily with the Lord and He would lead and guide you and bring you peace?
    Available in more formats from:

    Depression: Satan's Curse or God's Design?
    Hanne Moon
    Your Price:$1.50
    Depression is not about our failures as Christians or a lack of faith, but the result of the safeguards our loving Father has designed into our physical bodies.

    A Healing Journey: Emotional and Spiritual Wholeness through Personal Journaling
    Pamela Bridgeman
    Your Price:$6.00
    I wrote A Healing Journey as a manual, a workbook and a journal. It will teach you about the practice of journaling and will guide you through this wondrous writing experience with practical

    I invite you to embark on a journey to a forever freedom.